Thursday, December 20, 2012

One More Week!!!

Holy crap people, I am getting married in SEVEN DAYS!!!


...I'm a little bit excited.  Actually, I'm a lotta bit excited.  Or maybe you couldn't tell.  Anyways, I just wanted to inform all of you that I will no longer be posting to this blog after I'm married; I'll be starting a new one.  :)  I'll post a link to it when it actually has something worth looking at.  But until then, happy holidays!  You know what, never mind, screw politically correct--

Merry Christmas!! 

And a happy New Year, and all that jazz, and thank you for reading, and here is a picture of an orangutan contemplating a tiny banana. 

Merry Christmas again, everyone, and I will talk to you again soon--most likely as a married woman.  :)  Cheers!

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