Thursday, January 26, 2012

too much, too soon

Have you ever had that experience when you think you're totally over someone...and then you find out you're not?
Yeah.  That happened to me last night.
Here's the story.
I love to go swing dancing.  And every Wednesday where I live there is a place where you can go swing dancing.  So guess what I decided to do last night.
Unfortunately, I'd forgotten that a certain someone and I used to go swing dancing together a lot.
He wasn't physically THERE, like not PRESENT.  But I swear, everywhere I turned, he was there.  Plaid shirts.  Cowboy boots.  Short guys.  Dark, curly hair.  Bandanas.  Designer jeans.  "Crazy Girl".  Line dances.  I couldn't get away from him. 
Maybe I didn't give myself enough time.
That's what I'm hoping. 
Because someday, I want to go swing dancing, and not have it hurt.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya girl, I'm sorry :'( It happens to me whenever I hear jazz music. It's hard to stop your heart sometimes.
