Have you ever had that experience when you think you're totally over someone...and then you find out you're not?
Yeah. That happened to me last night.
Here's the story.
I love to go swing dancing. And every Wednesday where I live there is a place where you can go swing dancing. So guess what I decided to do last night.
Unfortunately, I'd forgotten that a certain someone and I used to go swing dancing together a lot.
He wasn't physically THERE, like not PRESENT. But I swear, everywhere I turned, he was there. Plaid shirts. Cowboy boots. Short guys. Dark, curly hair. Bandanas. Designer jeans. "Crazy Girl". Line dances. I couldn't get away from him.
Maybe I didn't give myself enough time.
That's what I'm hoping.
Because someday, I want to go swing dancing, and not have it hurt.
I feel ya girl, I'm sorry :'( It happens to me whenever I hear jazz music. It's hard to stop your heart sometimes.