Monday, May 23, 2011

just breathe...

"How do you eat an elephant?" was the question posed to me today.  I didn't really get it.  Who'd want to eat an elephant?  They seem like they'd be awfully tough and tasteless.  But the answer, when it came, was obvious: (putting aside the fact that I still don't want to eat an elephant)
"One bite at a time."
I know that, for me at least, I tend to forget that I'm allowed to take life one day at a time.  In fact, that's the only way I'll actually make it through.  I tend to look at everything I'm expected to do or accomplish in my life and throw up my hands, thinking "I can't do this.  This is impossible."  But then I remember the story of the tribes of Israel, wandering in the wilderness for forty years.  And how God did not provide them manna for a year, for a month or even for a week, but for that day and that day only.  In this way He taught them to endure and to lean on Him one day at a time. 
Same with me.  I got here, to my own apartment attending college at Utah State University, with a calling in the Family History Committee and working towards becoming a music therapist, one day at a time.  Such a small thing didn't seem like it would bring as much comfort to me as it did, but truly to be reminded of something so simple was indescribably nice to hear.  (And so I thank Morgan Summers for teaching it in Relief Society today.) 
So here I go.  Deal with today first, then tomorrow.  Then the next day.  And eventually, a day at a time, the future will be here.  And I'll deal with it then the same way I do now.  A day at a time.

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